Jeff Duntemann's Contrapositive Diary Rotating Header Image

New Music on YouTube

Way back in the summer I posted here about digging around on YouTube for new music, particularly in the realms of melody and harmony. I admit that an occasional hard rock song appeals to me for reasons unclear, a good example being the Gin Blossoms’ “Found Out About You.” The human brain is a weird business, but we’re all nerds here and you knew that.

So, as we close in on Christmas, I wanted to post a few items I’d found and liked on YouTube. Nearly all of it is Christmas music. (I’ll post some other non-Christmas discoveries in a future entry.)

And that, my friends, is precisely what Christmas music is for.


  1. Bill Cherepy says:

    I’ve grown fond of Ríu Ríu Chíu, also known as Ríu Chíu, is a Spanish villancico that has attained some contemporary fame as a Christmas carol as performed by The Boston Camerata.

    1. We have the King’s Singers cover of Riu, Riu Chiu on CD. Cool song, and I was embarrassed that the only word I recognized in the song is “lobo” (wolf) even though I took Spanish for two years in high school and a couple of quarters in college. Then again, that was a very long time ago.

  2. Rich Rostrom says:

    You may find the Barberettes’ cover of “Jingle Bells” amusing. I don’t know that it’s particularly good, but the performers are interesting. Some of their other covers are fun, especially this one.

    1. Rich Rostrom says:

      The embedded links are missing from the preview.

      If they were stripped out:

  3. Keith says:

    In regard to the apparently very large vocal range Geoff Castellucci exhibits: Given that it is clear he has manipulated the video of the recording, I’d say it would not be very surprising to learn that he has also manipulated the audio of the recording to enhance his vocal range. I am not familiar with what tools are available for such manipulation of audio; I just assume they exist.

    1. Yes. They exist. I thought of that, especially after reading how common it is these days to bring singers back on key using things like AutoTune. It’s not impossible that other performers whose harmony seems just a little too good to be true use it as well. In truth, it doesn’t bother me much, if the end result is pleasing. And if we eventually start considering it a new style of music, I’ll follow that style.

  4. Dave Morgereth says:

    Thank you for pointing me to these songs Jeff. Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours. You might enjoy Andrew Peterson’s “take” on your patron saint’s affirmation.

    1. Yes. Fine, fine song. And partway in I realized that it was kinda dusty in here…

  5. Larry Nelson says:

    Thanks for the list. I’ve browsed a few on youtube already. I came across the BYU Noteworthy women’s acapella group this year. Also enjoyable.

  6. WILLIAM H MEYER says:

    About those lyrics… Perhaps these:?

    1. Yup. Those are them. Thanks for spotting it!

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