I told a joke on Twitter/X. Although it wasn’t much of a joke, it was subtle, or at least I thought so. Twitter has a new feature called Grok, which is an AI that (supposedly) explains posts. I wondered if Grok would get my joke. I might as well copy’n’paste the whole thing here:
The US government chooses two boll weevils every four years and leases them to the people. This makes the Feds the lessor of two weevils. And the weevils? They’re having a boll.
The term "lessor of two weevils" is a play on the phrase "lesser of two evils," which refers to choosing the less unpleasant of two poor options. This phrase is commonly used in political discourse to describe situations where voters choose between two undesirable candidates.
The "boll weevil" in politics historically refers to conservative Democrats, particularly from the Southern United States, who supported some Republican policies during the Reagan administration. This term draws from the insect’s difficulty to eradicate, symbolizing the political resilience of these Democrats.
Jeff Duntemann’s post humorously suggests that in the U.S. political system, the government essentially leases out these conservative figures (boll weevils) to the public every election cycle, playing on the idea of political figures being somewhat unavoidable or persistent like pests.
It came to me as a silly play on words (“lessor of two weevils”) with the rest built around it to make it an actual joke. I wondered if most readers would understand the word “lessor,” which I don’t see much in my reading and don’t recall ever hearing it used in conversation.
Now, I myself didn’t know that “boll weevils” had once been used as a slur against conservative Democrats. I certainly haven’t read it with respect to modern politics. If I had, I would have created the joke another way. I simply meant to imply that the government chooses a couple of weevils every four years, and leases them to the public. We pay officials with our taxes during the time we “lease” them, but never own them. This makes the Feds a “lessor”.
So Grok didn’t get the joke as I intended it to be gotten, but read it as Reagan-era humor. So it goes. My opinion of AI hasn’t changed. It’s a massive pattern-matcher without any least cognizance that its explanations may simply be wrong.
I’ll play with Grok some more to see how well it “explains” additional posts, mine and others’.
most of the “insects” in question have since flipped to the GOP as a result of Nixon’s “southern strategy”, courting Dem’s in the southeast (who joined in opposition to those Repubicans who’d freed their slaves) outraged at LBJ’s passing civil rights legislation in the wake of the JFK assassination.
That’s pretty good, if a bit intellectual.
One of my favorite political jokes also requires some thought. It’s by the famous humorist Will Rogers. To update it a bit: “If we sent all our idiots to Washington, it would improve the average IQ of both places.”
There once were two boys in my neighborhood named Juan and Amal. They were so much alike, it became common to say, “Once you’ve Juan you’ve seen Amal”
The problem with voting for the lesser of two weevils is that, in the end, you still get a worm.
Huh. As I learned it, “lessor” was a person who made a lease, and “lesser” was “less than.”
Of course, modern dictionaries now claim “grinded” is interchangeable with “ground.” About a month ago I started seeing it almost every day; enough that I did a search to see wtf was going on.
That still isn’t going to stop my from staring at people who use it while saying “Do. You. Speak. English?”
To give grok some slack, most of the people I know would have been less successful trying to make sense of your joke, which I certainly enjoyed. Patrick O’Brian used the weevils idea (pun?) to good effect.
I had an experience with grok that was more successful. I could not remember the details of a certain story so I asked it for help, naming the author (David Drake) and “trolls who wanted to bite rocks”. With a bit of back and forth it did figure out I was talking about “Airborne All the Way”, and about goblins, not trolls. That was useful and quicker than using standard web searching. In the result it made some comments about Drake’s style of “dark humor”, so I asked it how it recognized humor. The response was interesting. Send me a note if you want me to send you my record of the conversation.
AIs definitely fail to think and are bad at self error checking. The most use I get out of them is to treat them as an advanced search tool. Ask the right kinds of questions and you get something like a custom Wikipedia page. And then you need to treat it just like a Wikipedia page, if you want to know the actual facts, you now have a bunch of claims you need to investigate.